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You are in the very best of hands. – Your highly specialised radiology team

DiVoCare is an innovative concept which was brought into being by Dr. med Christa Hutterer.

For Mrs. Hutterer the individual person and his/her health is the most important factor in their treatment. They use the latest state-of- the-art technology. The highly specialised team works with the most modern medical technology. In the field of diagnostics precision and experience are of vital importance.

Dr. med. Christa Hutterer

High-tech medicine and the human touch do not need to preclude each other, in fact medicine only becomes human when technology using high quality equipment and innovation are used.

  • Course of studies in physics and medicine and residency at the Ludwig Maximilian University and Technical University in Munich.
  • Specialist for diagnostic radiology and paediatric radiology, Specialist for general medicine, naturopathy and sports medicine.
  • 29 Years of professional experience in Germany and abroad e.g. The Children’s Hospital (Paediatric Neurosurgery) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.; Xavier University, Community Health Care Center, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.
  • Area of expertise: paediatric radiology
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