
Strokes are the result of a disturbed blood flow to the brain. The undersupply of the affected areas is often caused by the narrowing or blockage of arteries leading to the brain (arteriosclerosis). If the stenosis is discovered early enough, strokes can be prevented using specific therapeutic measures.

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The stroke prevention programme is recommended for anyone

  • Who has had a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). Half of all TIA patients subsequently have a fatal stroke.
  • Who suffers from a heart rhythm disturbance (e.g. atrial fibrillation). These can cause a blood clot which can block the vessels leading to the brain.
  • With a family disposition for strokes (A first-degree member of the family had a stroke below the age of 60).

What is special about the stroke prevention programme?

3 Tesla:

MR-based angiography in high field MRI unit. The images of the brain and its vascular system produced by our high-tech equipment cannot be surpassed in their clarity and in the information they provide.

Overall Picture:

DiVoCare guarantees a sound evaluation of the individual stroke risk by including an analysis of the heart, arteries and the brain.


If the examinations show that there is an acute need for further treatment, our patients benefit from the DiVoCare network, which sets a high standard through its close working relationship for instance with the Technical University of Munich (University Hospital Rechts der Isar, (Vascular Centre).

Make an appointment

Tel. 089 / 20 00 143-50

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